i start it up expecting some of his trademark scottish humor, but things are a bit different tonight (i could tell right away- he was wearing a tie!) it turns out that over the weekend craigs father passed away. i guess it was reruns last week because craig said that he got to spend the week with his family and father in the hospital.
he spent the monologue talking about his fathers life and some of the things he remembered about him. it was really moving, actually. the rest of the show was devoted to his father. dr. drew was on to talk about grief and how we can heal and learn from it. then a traditional scottish band, called "wicked tinkers" played a song for his father. it was a bagpipe and a couple drums. the last guest was amy something-or-other... i dont remeber her last name, but she was the wife of john ritter before he died.
it struck me as really moving and cool that someone would want to go through the grieving process in such a public way. im sure many people found it helpful in understanding their own grief.
yet another reason why i love that show...
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