the biggest culprit i can think of is max lucado. many people will be mad at me for saying this about him, but he is truly a book whore. if you dont know who he is then you obviously havent been anywhere near a christian bookstore. ever. let me tell you about him: he writes spirituality books that are at about a 4th grade reading level. the spirituality in them is very very shallow. he rarely tries to dig deep below the surface, he would rather just explain everything with 'warm fuzzies'. his style is all story based, no matter what he is talking about he always seems to have a story about someone who is down on their luck or just lost their child, and that person is miraculously made better and all their problems are solved because they said 'jesus'. seriously, thats about as deep as he gets. i have read a few of his books and i have found very little substance, rather, its filled with manipulative emotional garbage.
im sure the guy is nice and all, but you can tell he is writing for an audience of 60 year old women who collect 'precious moments' figurines.
but the thing that bugs me the most about him is the way he takes advantage of the 'christian scene'. (its actually sick that there has to bee a 'scene' at all. christ tells us to make an impact in this world and make disciples of all nations, but how are we going to do that if we live in our own 'christian' bubble and never participate in the real wold? sorry, a bit of a rant, let me get back on topic...) the crowd he is writing for are people who think buying a christian book and supporting the christian industry will somehow turn others to jesus. lucado takes advantage of this by flooding the market with product so people will think its their christian duty to buy it all.
have you seen the sheer amount of books this guy has published? i would dare say that he has a book, journal, study guide, or reissue released every single month of the year. and that goes double around christmas. every time he writes a book they release the book, a response journal, a study guide, a version for kids, a version for men, a version for women, a version for college kids, etc.
im not sure why i bring this up, i guess i was just walking through a christian book store this week and was really disgusted.
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