after jeffry lee introduced me to this website, i spend some time rooting around and checking out what they had to offer. the site is really cool, its mostly for people who like unique stuff thats kind of geeky. for example, they have a little thing you can attach to your faucet, it has led lights that make the water coming out look red. cool, but geeky. they also have tee shirts with the transformers logo that lights up. totally rad, but geeky. and there in lies the fun. these things are strange, but at the same time kind of cool!
i decided that i needed to get some nintendo stuff, so i got a 5 inch yoshi action figure, and a little fire mario figure on a block that when you push him, the box makes noises from the game! i have decided that i am going to use this thing all the time in my classroom! oh, the kids will get so annoyed with me! but really, isnt that what teaching is all about?

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