TV. random summer stuff

due to the fact that i havent been posting for a couple months, i just wanted to write a few things about summer stuff, please indulge me.
over the summer i did a bit of tv watching, and since most of the shows i like to watch are not new at this time, i have to be creative and find new things to watch. some of them are as follows:

last comic standing- i was glad to see it back, i really liked this show last time it was on. its kind of an american idol type show, except its better because you dont have to see mediocre singers sing karioke of old songs. instead, you get to hear some funny jokes and actually be entertained! some of the comics were really funny, but i was quite disappointed with the final winner. the guy who won suffered from some spinal problem that affected the use of his limbs. sure, he was pretty funny, but it really felt like a pitty win. the other two guys were funnier, and didnt just rely on the one note joke 'look at me, im crippled, isnt that funny!' like he did.

rockstar: supernova- ya, i know, this one pretty much is mediocre singers singing karioke of old songs, but its at least a bit more rockin. i really dug this show last year and looked forward to what this year would hold. it turns out that it didnt hold much. there were a couple stand-out singers, but the band decided on one of the worst to be their new lead singer. oh well. i guess thats a good thing, because the really talented singers wont be trapped down by a contract to have to play with these has-beens.

blade- wow! i really liked some of the movies (as expressed here), and was very interested to see what spike tv would do with an ongoing series. the character is cool, the background for his world is cool, i guess i figured they would screw it up royally. looks like i was wrong! the whole season was really great- the story was gripping, the twists were unexpected (in a good way), and the effects were top notch. i was very very surprised that it had the quality it did. this could have been a quick cash-in on the character, but it actually turned out to be an incredibly interesting journey into the world of blade and his mission to kill all vampires. i am really hoping that they renew this show for another season!

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