TV. wakko's wish

i just so happened to notice this past weekend that i had free HBO for a few days. i looked at the schedule to see if there was going to be any good movies i could tivo, and i came across this: wakko's wish. my heart started to flutter! could it be?!? is it really what i think it is?!? could this really be a movie witht the characters from my favorite tv show growing up?!? i investigated further and discovered all of my wildest dreams had come true: there was an animaniacs movie!!! how this happened without my noticing is the biggest stunner of all. so i watched it and was not dissappointed.
the story revolves around a small town that is being taxed too much and everyone is about to lose their land. wakko decided to wish apon a star for some help. the star falls to earth and the first person to touch it gets their wish fulfilled. a race to the star ensues. the story was standard, but the great part was that almost the whole story is done in song! (which was one of the best parts of the show) and all the old cast was there! everyone from yakko wakko and dot, the goodfeathers, dr. scratchandsniff and hello nurse,pinky and the brain, mindy and buttons, the mime, they even had chicken boo! the best was a brief appearance by the jerry lewis character (oh, nice lady!)
now my excitement level is back up for this show, and just a little while ago i found out that the show is finally being released on dvd in july a day before my birthday (hint hint)! happy days are here again.

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