every year around this time the new fall season starts. i usually dont try too many of them because i know i will get interested and before i know it, they will get cancelled. as a general rule it seems, i never seem to watch shows that are popular... well, last year there was this really great show on called 'carpoolers', it was written by the guys from 'the kids in the hall', and i fell in love with it! jerry o'connell was in that and he was hilarious. as i should have expected, it was cancelled. this season jerry is on a new show, so i figured id check it out. it wasnt nearly as good as 'carpoolers', but it had its charms. i watched the first three episodes and then guess what? they cancelled it! when will i learn?!?
i might have to start using the second season rule: never watch a show during its first season. most likely it will get cancelled. if it doesnt, they always seem to release the full season dvd just before season two starts, so i can catch up then!